Positivity Banners Spread Joy in Waynesboro


WAYNESBORO- Driving through downtown Waynesboro it is hard not to notice the positivity signs hanging around town.

They are displayed thanks to The Connection, a community-based ministry to connect women with each other and God, and now they are spreading their positive messages around the town.  

In 2022 after fundraisers and donations The Connection was able to purchase and display 20 positivity banners to hang from the streetlights in Waynesboro. This year after a partnership with Mainstreet Waynesboro and Summit Signs, The Connection was able to display 40 signs.  

“They were well received, People were commenting on social media how much they appreciated the banners and that they made their day brighter” said executive director of The Connection, Mandy Hood. 

The positivity banners will be on display through mid-May when they will be replaced with memorial banners.   

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