Local iron industry focus of program

Part of The Institute’s spring lectures, Andre Weltman will present “Charcoal Hearths, Collier Huts, and Haul Roads: Traces of the Iron Industry Across South Mountain.” PROVIDED PHOTO

WAYNESBORO—The second and final program in The Institute’s spring lecture programs, “Penn’s Woods Over Time: People and the Forest,” is on Thursday, March 10, at 7 p.m. in the social room at Church of the Apostles in Waynesboro. Admission is free, but registration is required. An online attendance option is also available via Zoom.

“Charcoal Hearths, Collier Huts, and Haul Roads: Traces of the Iron Industry Across South Mountain,” will be presented by Andre Weltman, local historian and chairman of Friends of Pine Grove Furnace State Park.

Weltman will discuss the impact of the iron industry—in terms of ore pits, greenhouse gasses, and labor—plus the largest and lasting legacy of ironmaking in our region, its affect on the forests.

“This impact on the forests affected the way of life for area residents” Weltman said. “Once you know what you’re looking for, you can recognize the shadow of the charcoal iron industry truly everywhere in the Michaux State Forest.” Weltman will talk about the remaining visible legacy of the iron industry.

What are Penn’s Woods? In 1681, William Penn was granted a charter by King Charles II of England to establish a colony in the New World. Penn referred to the land as “Sylvania” (woods or forest in Latin). King Charles added “Penn” to the title in honor of Admiral Sir William Penn, William Penn’s father. Thus, Pennsylvania means Penn’s Woods.

The lectures are funded in part by Robert and Grace Brown, and by The Institute’s Today’s Horizon Fund contributors: The Nora Roberts Foundation; The John R. Hershey Jr. and Anna L. Hershey Family Foundation; APX Enclosures, Inc.; and the Carolyn Terry Eddy Family: Carolyn, with daughters Connie Fleagle & Kim Larkin.

Space is limited. To register for in-person attendance or the Zoom link, email The Institute at [email protected], or call 717-762-0373.

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