ON THE AGENDA: Franklin County Commissioners


CHAMBERSBURG—Franklin County Commissioners will meet Wednesday, Dec. 22, to discuss a variety of items.

Meetings are held in the Administration Building, 272 N. Second St., Chambersburg, beginning at 11 a.m. Meetings are live-streamed the county’s YouTube channel and at http://bit.ly/BOCCLiveStream at scheduled meeting times.

Included on the agenda:

  • Change Order #EC-029 from Lobar, Inc. to provide power to courtroom suspended particle privacy glass windows that were inadvertently omitted from the construction drawings at the Judicial Center Project at a cost of $4,844.69.
  • Amendment to the Agreement between the County of Franklin and Josephina C. Souders for translator services.  This amendment is to include bonus pay for hours exceeding 775 for an additional $2,500.00 during the last pay period at the end of the year during which the Independent Contractor completed 775 hours.
  • Purchase Order from Election Systems & Software, LLC for a system upgrade on the voting equipment at a cost of $7,139.00. This upgrade will include security patches as well as updating the operating system from Windows 7 to Windows 10. 
  • Supplemental Appropriation in the amount of $2,762,426.00 for the Motorola Upgrade and Radio project in process and its related long-term lease/debt and expenditures. The initial lease payment is due in January 2022.  The Radio Project includes various county departments and impacts various funds.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Franklin and County of Indiana to house adult inmates, over the age of 18 for both male and female in accordance with the ability of cell space at a cost of $65.00 per day per inmate, for the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.  This facility is PREA certified and abides by all PA Title 37 regulations.  Indiana County reserves the right to accept offenders at their discretion.  All medical expenses accrued will be the responsibility of the County of Franklin. 
  • Proposal from Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, In. (HRG) to provide engineering services including survey, design, permitting, construction bidding, and construction oversight services for the Bridge 26 Replacement Project (carrying Leafmore Road over Back Creek in Hamilton and Saint Thomas Townships)  in the amount of $378,360.00.  This project is anticipated to utilize Act 13 funding for all phases of the project. The bridge is currently posted for a 27 Ton weight limit except for combinations of 38 tons. The bridge is in overall poor condition based on the latest inspection. Construction is anticipated for 2023.
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