Portrait added to WHS collection

Paul Chalfont presents an oil portrait to Nancy Ringer Frame at the Waynesboro Historical Society. SUBMITTED PHOTO

WAYNESBORO—Floyd Chalfant, who purchased The Record Herald in 1925 and remained its publisher until his death in 1954, will be remembered with his portrait on permanent display at the Waynesboro Historical Society, thanks to a generous donation from his grandson, Paul Chalfant, of Shippensburg.

As written in a 1954 Record Herald tribute, Chalfant “built the Record Herald on Christian precepts to which he held so unwaveringly.”

His grandson visited the Oller House headquarters for the Society on Nov. 6 and presented the oil portrait painted by artist Helen McClees.

The Society’s Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Ringer Frame happily accepted the gift, which was accompanied with a framed 90th anniversary edition of The Record Herald dated March 13, 1937. 
The Waynesboro Historical Society is located at 138 West Main Street in Waynesboro, PA and is open for weekly tours. Learn more at waynesborohistory.com.

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