Washington Township pays tribute on 9/11


WAYNESBORO – Beneath a picturesque blue sky, residents from Washington Township and the surrounding area congregated at the 9/11 Tribute in Red Run Park to observe Patriot Day on Wednesday, Sept. 11.

The event, organized by Officer Terry Dewitt of the Washington Township Police Department, honored the lives lost in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.  The ceremony began with Dewitt recognizing the tragic events of that day and the first responders who died when responding to emergency calls at the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington, Va., and Shanksville.

The crowd of area residents was joined by representatives of the Blue Ridge Fire and Rescue, the Waynesboro Volunteer Fire Department and several other organizations who took part in the ceremony.  The Pennsylvania Bluejackets United States Naval Sea Cadets raised the flag to half mast followed by Jeff Simmers, Chaplain for the Waynesboro Volunteer Fire Department, offering a prayer of remembrance and hope for our future. 

LocalNews1 President Dan DeDona offered a first-person perspective on the crash at the Pentagon, where he was assigned by the Air Force at the time, and the aftermath in the days following the attack.  He also focused on the valuable lessons we can learn from these events.

At the height of the service, a contingent of members from the Washington Township Police Department, Blue Ridge Fire and Rescue and Waynesboro Volunteer Fire Department served as the Honor Guard to lay a wreath in remembrance of all the lives lost in the attacks and emergency response.

Closing the service, Dewitt spoke about the impact on emergency responders including health-related issues, and prayer was offered by Simmers.

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