Church of the Apostles UCC Announces Fall Study Groups


WAYNESBORO — The public is invited to participate in two study groups, one a DVD study and one a book group, offered by the Church of the Apostles UCC, starting on Sept. 12. The church is located at 336 Barnett Ave.

The “Great Course” DVD group will meet from 11 a.m. to noon each Thursday and use the Luke Timothy Johnson 24-lecture DVD “Great Course” titled “Early Christianity: The Experience of the Divine.” The course covers Christianity’s first 300 years to study what first made it appealing and still attracts new followers. Each lecture is 30 minutes followed by an opportunity for discussion. Meetings will be held this fall ending on Nov. 21 and then resume Jan. 9, 2025.

Pre-registration is not required for this course. Questions may be directed to facilitator Bob Benchoff at 717-377-4729 or email [email protected]

The book group will meet from 1-2 p.m. each Thursday. This study is an opportunity to learn about the United Church of Christ. The group will use Jane Fisler Hoffman’s book, “Covenant, a Study for the UCC.” This begins with the United Church of Christ pamphlet “Who We Are and What We Believe,” then moves into the book which contains three- to four-page chapters followed by discussion questions. The nine sessions will explore the concept of covenant as it relates to the Hebrew Testament, Jesus, God, the UCC Heritage, the wider UCC and more. The study will conclude on Oct. 31.

Pre-registration is required by Aug. 22, so that books may be ordered. Those interested may contact facilitator Bob Benchoff at the number or email listed above to reserve a book. Pastor Mark Ruzicka will lead this study.

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