PennDOT Seeks Public Input on Draft 2025 Transportation Plan


HARRSIBURG- The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) invited the public to comment on the draft 2025 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The program consists of projects around the state that support the Shapiro Administration’s vision of a safe and reliable transportation network that connects Pennsylvanians to opportunities and services. The comment period will remain open until July 3, 2024.

The draft 2025 STIP consists of a list of prioritized projects and project phases identified for federal, state, local, and private funding over a four-year period for capital improvements and includes 23 regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), the independent Wayne County TIP, and two statewide-managed programs, the Interstate Management Program and Statewide Initiatives TIPs.

“Infrastructure that serves everyone requires input from everyone,” said PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll. “Planning for the future of transportation infrastructure is a complex process, and I encourage everyone to submit their comments and take part in this process.”

The draft, including an infographic providing an overview of the STIP process can be viewed at Comments can be submitted by filling out the online comment form at or emailing a fillable form to [email protected]. The public may also call PennDOT to share their comments at 717-783-2262. If you have other questions or challenges, contact PennDOT’s Bureau of Equal Opportunity to request help by emailing [email protected] or calling 717-787-5891; TTY (711).

The STIP makes up the first four years of the 12-Year Program (TYP), Pennsylvania’s mid-range planning tool. The TYP lists planned projects and associated funding for the next 12-year horizon. State Law requires PennDOT to prepare an update to Pennsylvania’s TYP every two years and submit it for adoption to the State Transportation Commission (STC). The draft 2025 STIP will be adopted as part of the 2025 TYP update by the STC during the August 14, 2024, STC business meeting.

After the 2025 TYP is adopted, PennDOT submits the draft 2025 STIP to the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, and the US Environmental Protection Agency for a 45-day federal review period.

Information about the state’s infrastructure and results the department is delivering for Pennsylvanians can be found at . Find PennDOT’s planned and active construction projects at

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