Fairview Elementary Students Beautify Noah’s Ark Child Care Center


The grounds of Noah’s Ark Christian Child Care Center in Waynesboro have been transformed into a work of art with the help of students from a nearby elementary school.

Second- and third-graders from Fairview Elementary School partnered with children at the center to fill seven flower beds May 17.

“We decided to make our campus a canvas for them, so they could leave a little bit of a footprint here at the Ark,” said Lindsay Cook, director at Noah’s Ark. “Together, they planted flowers all over the grounds.

“Fairview graciously donated all the materials needed for the project and we simply provided the land,” she added.

An annual project between the schools is becoming a tradition, according to Cook. “Last year we did a literacy activity. Children read books to our students and they did a coloring project. This year it morphed into something different – we wanted to do a beautification project.

“One of the more beautiful things about this project is that former Ark students have the ability to come back to where it all began. A lot of our students have older siblings who go to Fairview. And many of Fairview’s staff who are participating have children who have gone through the Ark for early education as well. This is community driven,” noted Cook, whose son, Cooper Cook, is a third-grader at Fairview.

For Fairview, the project is part of its Day of Service, according to principal Megan McGuire. “Our goal on that day is for the entire building to learn the importance of serving others in our community and also to teach them how a small act can make a big impact,” she added.

“We are honored that Fairview considered us for another year for this project,” Cook said. Our students always look forward to partnering with the older children under the common goal of fostering community relationships.

“The Ark values and appreciates the reputation and relationship that we have built with other educational institutions in Waynesboro,” added Cook, director since 2022. “As an employee here for many years, I was very blessed to be trained under (former director) Jamie Pearson, and I consider it such an honor to be granted the opportunity to continue her legacy in this community.”

Noah’s Ark, located at Christ United Methodist Church, is a center for infants and children through grade 5.

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