CVAS Pets of the Week


Looking for a new friend? The Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter is featuring these Pets of the Week. For more information, visit or call 717-263-5791.

Samson was surrendered to the shelter with his brother because his owners could no longer care for him. The brothers don’t get along, so they will need to go to separate homes. Samson is a 3-year-old black-and-white boxer who loves to play. He will chase toys but does not bring them back – he would rather the human do all the fetching. Samson does tend to jump up when he is excited but is working on his manners, something that his new owners will need to continue. Because of his energy, Samson may be too much for small children, so an age restriction for children in the home may apply. Please discuss this with shelter staff. Samson would be best as the only dog in the home and he will chase cats – so he will need to be your one and only. He is a real lovable guy who really enjoys being around people. Is Samson the guy for you?

Instant Noodles

Instant Noodles was brought into the shelter after being found abandoned in a house with 20 other cats. He was covered in fleas, skinny, and was missing a lot of fur. Since his arrival at the shelter, he’s been doing much better. He’s about 3 years old and would love to find out what having a forever home is all about. Could you give Instant Noodles a second chance?

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